Sunday, February 19, 2017

Farmers Cay

On the 15th, winds started picking up from the South West and  were forecasted to 20 knots.  Since our anchorage was fully exposed to those winds, we traveled 11.8 miles in 2-3 footers on the bow to the protected waters of Farmers Cay. This a stop not to be miss. This Island was settled by an emancipated slave woman and her two sons.  To this day the only persons that can own property are descendants of the Truman family.  There are about 50 residents, and the most friendly people you would ever want to meet!  We bought  larger lobsters for $15 dollar and 6 pound slab of Mahi for $60.
We took a walk the first night to Ty's Bar and Grill for apps of fried Conch and Rum punch!. We took a short cut by walking up the runway of a small plan landing strip and only had to dodge one plane.

 The girls swam with turtles and a puffer fish,  and bought Conch Salad for lunch.

Read the above sign! Welcome to the Bahamas!

The next day Julian the Yacht club manager, island power plant operator,  bar tender and cook informed us that happy our would begin at 4 and dinner served at 6.  He could do this because the Yacht Club was full, with four slips and about the same mooring balls occupied.  He served high octane rum punch, beer, and booze for  $3 dollars. At 7 the next morning his Mom and dad landed from Nassau and we were ask to wait on departure so we could meet his parents.  They were were in their 80"s and dressed to the tee.  Mr Roosevelt Truman gave us instructions on departing in the strong currents and he cast our lines off for us.  Off we went out the Farmers Cay cut and back out into the ocean.

Check out the fuel and exhaust system on the generator of this fishing boat.

1 comment:

  1. Gravity fuel system and an exhaust stack! And don't forget the stand up (and open air) engine room. All things to be envied :)
